Welcome to Main Group 1
Dear colleague,
we are the representatives of the backbone of the Vienna City Administration with 28,500 employees. Our motto is "Campaign. Ensure acceptance. Put into action". We campaign on your behalf, we ensure your demands are accepted and that your employer puts them into action. Our strength is that we are your direct representation at the workplace thanks to our 700 representatives in the respective service units. We are people who listen to you and maintain confidentiality. Discretion is a matter of course for us.
One of our particular concerns is good working conditions.
We know the ins and outs of the city's salary/wage system and advise you on all relevant issues. We can also help you save money by offering discounts for your shopping and holiday plans.
Our sports facilities in the Viennese Prater offer you many opportunities for friendship, social contacts and sports to keep you fit.
Take the opportunity to exchange your views with our representatives at the various service units. This allows you to obtain information but also to tell us what's on your mind.
As our future member you will then receive our welcome folder in which we present all the services provided by Main Group 1 and your union so you become familiar with them.
For more information and access to current topics, please visit www.hg1.wien.
Main Group 1 is pleased to have you with us!
With kind regards from the union
Manfred Obermüller
Chairperson Main Group 1

Dear colleague,
the topic of equality of opportunity is one of my key concerns. We cannot have people discriminated against and/or put at a disadvantage on grounds of age, gender, origin, religion or sexual orientation! A lot still needs to be done particularly regarding equality between women and men: Women still earn considerably less than men for equal work. Women still have to do most of the childcare and elderly care and put their own career second. This must change!
This is what I am committed to - and I will do all I can here. But I also fight intensively for the acceptance of diversity, for tolerance and solidarity in society - and against agitation, hatred of other people, and right-wing populism.
The development of diversity competence in the trade union movement is extremely important to me. This is because, in Main Group 1, we want to be at the service of all the city's officials, with all their diversity. A first important step in this direction was the more intensive involvement of the young younion in Main Group 1. I am now here for the young members as their point of contact and offer them support and advice.
I am extremely grateful for any input I receive on my field of work!
Do not hesitate to contact me at any time for a confidential talk.
With kind regards from the union
Regina Müller
Head of the Division for Family, Women and Youth